Thursday, April 12, 2012

Soho Highlights

Bill Fisher at OK Harris, Chop Suey, 2010, oil and wax on panel, 60 x 84

Bill Fisher at OK Harris,  Atlantic, 2010, oil and wax on panel, 60 x 84

GERRY KEON at OK Harris, Casement, 13 x 11 inches

GERRY KEON at OK Harris,  Glacier, 15 x 11inches

GERRY KEON at OK Harris,  Snow Queen. 17 x 15inches

GERRY KEON at OK Harris, North Sea (Aldeburgh), 17 x 22inches

GERRY KEON at OK Harris, Orizaba (in memoriam Hart Crane) 22 x 15inches

TED LARSEN at OK Harris, Serial Killer #2, 2011, Salvage Steel, Marine-grade Plywood, Silicone, Vulcanized Rubber, Hardware, 3 x 12.5 x 4.5 in

Eleanor Antin at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, Portrait of the King, 1972, from a series of five different poses, black and white photograph mounted on board, 13 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches

Man Ray at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, Marcel Duchamp as Rrose Sélavy , 1921, silver print photograph, 15 3/4 x 12 5/8 inches

Gil Yefman at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, Breakfast Hat, 2007, 35*35*35 c"m

there are MANY more works by Hannah Wilke, Rona Yefman & Yishay Garbasz that were fantastic, but the gallery's website more than sucks & photos are small & limited.

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