Tuesday, February 28, 2012

LES Highlights

Nolan Hendrickson at Ramiken Crucible, New New Face, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 78 x 48 inches

don't know what's going on w/these paintings, they crazy. i like all the line patterns, the bold colors & they look worked but not over worked. some damn fine paintings.

Nolan Hendrickson at Ramiken Crucible, Placeholder Eyes, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 48 inches

Anja Schwoerer at Nicelle Beauchene Gallery, Untitled, 2011, Bleach on fabric, 38 x 34 inches

Anja Schwoerer at Nicelle Beauchene Gallery,  Untitled, 2010, Bleach on fabric, 47 1/4 x 33 1/2 inches

this beauty was not in the show. i found it on the gallery's website. but it speaks directly to what i've been working on; lotsa patterns and vivid color. "bleach on fabric", what the hell? how does she do that? ...and get straight edges?!

Anja Schwoerer at Nicelle Beauchene Gallery,  Untitled, 2007, Bleach on canvas, 110 1/4 x 110 1/4 inches

this stunner was also NOT in the show but i think it's pretty spectacular. again w/the bleach!

Tyler Vlahovich at FEATURE INC, Untitled, 2011; oil paint on canvas; 54.25 x 42.5”

Tyler Vlahovich at FEATURE INC, Triangle Event 1, 2010; oil paint on panel; 22.75 x 22.5”

Thomas Klimowski at Saramouche, Patterns, 2011 (detail) paper, paint, variable dimensions, unique work

Thomas Klimowski at Saramouche, Patterns, 2011 (detail) paper, paint, variable dimensions, unique work

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