Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Pink Landscape 1942, Oil on composition board 25 x 37 1/8"

Untitled 1945, Oil on paper, 23 x 29"

Untitled (The Cow Jumps Over the Moon) 1937-38 , Oil on masonite, 20 1/2 x 36 5/8" 

Pink Lady 1948, Oil and charcoal on paper on fiberboard18 1/2 x 18 1/2"
(sory for the fuzzy photo - only one i could find online)

Bolton Landing 1957, Oil on canvas 83 1/2 x 74

Rosy-Fingered Dawn at Louse Point 1963, Oil on canvas, 80 x 70" 

Litho #1 (Waves #1) 1960 , Lithograph, drawn on a stone, Black ink on ivory smooth wove paper, 42 15/16 x 28 3/4

Black and White Rome S 1959, Black enamel and collage on paper, 39 1/4 x 55 3/4" 

Door to the River 1960, Oil on canvas 80 x 70"

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, those first four have my favorite colors... gotta love deKooning.
