R.M. Phoenix via A/ART |
Lisa Williamson via A/ART |
Marianna Uutinen via A/ART |
this is stuff that's gotten my attention via my google reader. there's so much more, but i had to draw the line somewhere. there's a wide range of stuff here from paintings to nail polish... never know what will inspire.
Sam Messenger's "Seame's Veil" via Lindsey Pollack |
Marcus Coates, "Psychopomp" via VVORK |
Matt. W. Moore via Share Some Candy |
trebleseven via Share Some Candy |
Alexander McQueen, Samurai Embroidered Wool Dress |
Alexander McQueen, Satin Flower Knuckle Box Clutch |
OPI's, "Glow up already" |
like http://www.sammessenger.com/works-on-paper.html